Recently, I preached a message from John chapter 14 focusing on verse six, where John quotes Jesus' familiar and provocative words, "I am the way, the truth and the life." As a part of the message, I emphasized that we cannot know the truth of Jesus and certainly cannot enter into the life of Jesus without understanding and walking in the way of Jesus. This observation seems especially relevant at a time when many people are claiming to speak for Jesus and attempting to justify divisive, self-serving and sometimes violent actions in his name.
Online pontification, peaceful protest and civil disobedience are increasingly regular occurrences as people all across the globe seek to champion their socio-political agendas, stand up for the disenfranchised, or address abuse and violence from war to human trafficking. There is undoubtedly a time and a place to speak our minds, take a stand for what we believe, or do so for those who cannot stand or speak for themselves. However, those who claim to follow Jesus have the opportunity and the obligation to speak and act according to his words and ways as we are led and empowered by his Spirit. When we are faithful to the words (the truth) and the way of Jesus, we enter into the eternal life of God here and now, and we become a channel of that life for others. Conversely, when we speak and act from a self-serving or self-righteous place, even for a noble, Christ-honoring cause, we often become agents of division, deception and sometimes a party to violence and death (think Crusades, The Inquisition, or the bombing of abortion clinics).