The Bible says, "So faith comes by hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ," (Rom. 10:17). We all need to be strengthened in our faith - in our confidence that God is real, good, and at work in the world and in our lives in positive ways. In addition to reading the Bible, prayer, fellowship with other believers, service and other important practices, one of the greatest ways our faith is built up is through hearing the word of God spoken and taught effectively and faithfully. Thanks to the modern miracle of the internet, both the written and spoken word of God has never been more accessible. While we encourage you to find a church home, like CCC, so that you are in regular, corporate worship, fellowship and under a good teacher/preacher, we realize that we all miss a Sunday or two now and then, and that there are seasons in life when we just can't make it to a church service. With these realities in mind, we are happy to offer two options for listening to CCC's Sunday messages. You can listen right here via the CCC website by clicking the large, orange button to the left, or, you can listen and subscribe to our podcast by searching for CCC Sunday Messages in your favorite podcast aggregator. As we like to say: Listen! Reflect! Share!